Wednesday 11 June 2008


Hi People

Here we go again, I've been trying to get some information from Cardiff County Council Connect2Cardiff web site, seems that I am being temporarily blacklisted from that. Hell they responded soon enough when I first used the system a few weeks ago but since the chase up emails I've sent sweet FA has come back to me.

So as they sent me the Capital Times rag this week with the full hit of all the new councillors elected by only 35% of the population ACHEM is that DEMOCRACY?? I emailed them all yesterday the 10th June 2008 (for the record judge) regarding Criminal negligence by their officials, and the details of my blogs and the youtube site.

The other videos being uploaded today are the ones chasing the Police regarding the complaints about Mr. Rodney Berman Chairman of Cardiff County Council, Judge Gary Hickingbottom and Assembly Member Jonathan Morgan, and the fact that since I handed those in to the Central Poilice Station in March 2008 I've heard absolutely nothing.

Is that the Police Aiding n Abetting Mr. Whoolley (or has he resigned from the CPS yet Crazydave) the cps for those who don't know is the Crown Prosecution Services Eh Your Majesty. Those highly paid people who appear to be covering the backside of the Welsh Assembly the County Council and the Judiciary from my personal experience, isn't that so Mr. Whooley Lord Goldsmith???

Plus I've done my own mind movies take one through to five to see if they do indeed have any efficacy. In my own search for social justice for vulnerable adults, that the Welsh Assembly have assiduously ignored

Here are the video URL's:

This one is the Fairwater chase up whats happened to my complaint

Then we have the Oh well they cannot say that they didn't know email to all Cardiff County Councillors on these two: AND

Then there are the Mind Movies The I am so happy and grateful now that I have successfully sued the Welsh Assembly for criminal negligence with respect for my health n welfare Take one through to five

And while were at it a reminder of the videos regarding the BBC Licence Fee Monopoly that all the media seem afraid to mention, and outlaw as unjust. I wonder if there is a freedom of information request that will get the answer to how many people have ever been imprisoned due to non-payment or fined since the BBC's inception???? Wrongful convictions come to mind don't they Crazydave. They do indeed.

Well that's it for today folkes.
All the best, Love n Light
Now its send this to the Usual Suspects Crazydave, yep!

This is the intro to the blogs sent the Usual Suspects:

Hi Everybody
Here are my latest videos and blog. I wonder if anyone is going to ask Mr. David Davies to foot the bill for this bi-election he's called for? seeing as its public money his little stunt is going to be wasting, perhaps there ought to be a law that stops MP's doing this kind of crap. i.e if he resigns then he ought not be allowed to re-stand???? Maybe they ought to have one of their committees on standards look at his action in those terms.

But then the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner still hasn't got back to me with my complaint. That is the kind of backside covering that goes on in parliament, Eh First Minister.